Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Power of the Plant- Do you have an Idol?

Do you have an idol? Some of the idol's I have had are Steve Prefontaine (the best American runner), Mark Allen (6*Ironman Champion), My Opa/ Grandfather (UT Swim Team Captain and Engineer). These are all great men, but I can't help but notice that most of our idols are athletes, movie stars or rich, right? My current idol is a Teacher, Stephen Ritz who just came out with the book The Power of the Plant.

I first heard about Stephen about three or four years ago when my friend and mentor sent me a Youtube of Stephen. I was blow away what he was able to accomplish and how he was able to change a whole community just by planting seeds!

Stephen is my idol because I dream of having  1/10th of the healthy living influence in my community as he has had in his. So with that, this is my thinking- Summer is upon us, before next school year, I want to learn more about the needs in schools and how I can help. What better way to find this out than by talking to teachers and administrators? I want to share and read this outstanding book "The Power of the Plant" with my community teachers this summer, hear their feedback about the book and the ideas they have. Then I want to engage in how I can help them.

Are you a teacher? Do you know a teacher? Invite them to our summer book club!
I am looking for leaders, for passion, the necessity and urgency for change in our children, schools, nutrition, and health or our communities!

What: Summer Book Club- Power of the Plant + Power of Teachers= Ultimate Power to change the class, the school, the community, and the world!

Starts: June 11th every Sunday at 5pm for 4 weeks or more depending on what we create.

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And stay tuned and sign up for our separate NEWSLETTER

Please leave comments or email nicktotheplus@gmail with any feedback or requests

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