Wednesday, November 27, 2019

On to 2017 to the PLUS

Written January 2, 2017

 So can someone please tell me where the heck 2016 went? Dang, time does seem to be going faster and faster every year! I have enjoyed reading everyone's reflections on the past year. It seems quite a few people had a challenging year. I hope those people have a better 2017, but all in all the way I look at it, is what doesn't challenge us doesn't help us grow. I certainly accomplished a lot this year; had some major challenges, had some major breakthroughs and major growth. I no longer measure milestones monetarily or by material things, but by if I am in a different place, have I grown as a person, what have I learned, how I have been influenced and who I have passed influence onto.

I started the year off like I have for the past 12 years, by swimming in the Comal. This continues to seem like the best way to start for me. Swimming is the first in the triathlon, the freshness of being in the river, a time to meditate about the year ahead, to enjoy time with others who are with me on the river. I was fortunate enough to have my boys with me this year on the river. I was not able to talk them into swimming with me but was able to borrow some kayaks for them and my friend Jeanette to paddle while I swam. It was a great morning.

New years resolutions for Nick to the PLUS? Well, I like to focus on continuous improvement, daily resolutions, weekly tasks and goals to accomplish the over arching achievement of Healthy Lifestyle and Life Freedom... What can you focus on today, what simple changes can you commit to everyday to reach a larger goal? Comment below one thing you are going to do today toward your larger goal.
> I commit to following my standard work list more closely, so that I set specific time to each one of my projects each day. 

I am greatly influenced by hearing or reading about people over coming major challenges, physical, metal or emotional or all three. I am also influenced by it seems like more and more people getting active and influencing others to be more active and healthy. My belief, passion and driving force is also to overcome challenges, influence others and learn from these experiences. I have yet to meet someone or have an encounter that I have not found value in. This value is what I crave, it has woken me up to try to talk to everyone I come in contact with, to hear about their challenges, their passion, their why!
I have a goal and believe that I can either help and/or learn from every person I come accross this year and forever. Whether it is from reading a post on Facebook and connecting with a person or meeting someone new on the street, I will engage in some way shape or form.

I hope everyone has a fabulous 2017 and I look forward to engaging and growing with you!

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