Friday, November 29, 2019

Dad's on a Mission

Written March 22nd, 2018
Hi, I’m Jamie and I’m a dad.  I’ve been a dad for 5 years 9 months and 29 days, actually. A little over a year ago, I met Nick to the Plus. Together, we have been working together to find ways to have our boys experience the most of the world while also helping the world be better. We have become Dad's on a Mission. My kids and I work on empathy by putting together care packages and distributing them to homeless people whenever we can. I help them understand that these people are not less than or lower than us but have had some rough times or made some bad choices or are sick. They understand that it could be anyone that is out there on the corner. I know Nick encourages his kids to be active in nature and practice conservation. One of the things we are both doing together is teaching our kids how to grow their own food, eat healthy, and stay as free of chemicals and other garbage as possible.
Nick to the Plus has a little something to say about urban farming and then I’ll pick it back up again.
Hello, I am Nick to the Plus and as Jamie has said, we are Dad's on a Mission. I have been a dad for 14 years and have my two sons River and Mathis. I try to expose my boys to as many experiences and people as possible. We talk all the time about challenges and doing the right thing. Two summers ago, we spent many hours collecting cans in the Comal River and we plan to do a conservation project every summer.
One thing which Dad’s on a Mission feels can help our kids best is teach them about and promote Urban Farming. The earth is fast approaching 10 billion people on the planet. What does that look like? What does it mean for our kids and for us? With urbanization and the population growth, water, food and space become more and more of a concern. One of Dad's on a Mission’s beliefs is Urban Farming is something simple we can promote that will make a major impact on our communities, educating, and feeding our kids in a healthy, sustainable and responsible manner. One of our inspirations is the Power of the Plant, by Stephen Ritz. We hope you can find time to read this great book and get inspired like us.
This is Jamie, again. As you all are aware, it is difficult for most Americans to have a garden. If people are lucky enough to have a yard, they may not have permission from the landlord to dig up the grass or they do not have the time or ability to maintain a garden. Many people simply do not know how to garden properly, or they live in apartments and have no access to a community garden. That’s the beauty of the Tower Garden. It allows all people to grow healthful, nutritious, fresh, and delicious fruit, vegetables, flowers, and herbs anywhere, even in their living rooms.

By combining Nick’s love of life, health, and nutrition with my drive to have people help people, we have been working on getting Tower Gardens into schools, food pantries, daycares, senior living facilities and other places where people can benefit from the educational and nutritional benefits from the Tower Garden experience. We are currently looking for people who are interested in joining our mission or helping us by sponsoring a Tower Garden, so we can place it in whatever venue you would like.  

Please contact us so we can share our vision of Dad's on a Mission- OR 

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