---"I just attended the funeral of Branndon James Frail 's son Ayden Atticus,
10 years old like my Mathis. Even though I'm not in my sons' day to day lives,
I can't even imagine laying them down before me. I am grateful my sons are healthy and safe,
but I feel helpless when I can't stop others from suffering.
BJ, just know I'm always here for you if you need anything, as for all my friends.
I will do everything in my power and ability to be there for you.
That is what I learned this evening from Ayden, he was a protector, a provider,
and child angel for his family even though he was sick.
I learned that we should all be there for each other like he was...
love, peace, serenity to the family <3"--- October 4th, 2018
--- So I swam today, first of four swims, today 5k the length of Lake Placid, Texas.
I have been wanting to start these swims for a long time now.
This is one of those things its starting when it should, it's happening the way it will be good
for more people. After attending the funeral and seeing my friend missing his boy.
This swim was painless, it was no sacrifice compared what this family felt and went through.
Some people can't swim for various reasons, some have fear of water, and some are no
longer on this earth. I swim for these people, I go the distance for these Angels…
I have been wanting to start these swims for a long time now.
This is one of those things its starting when it should, it's happening the way it will be good
for more people. After attending the funeral and seeing my friend missing his boy.
This swim was painless, it was no sacrifice compared what this family felt and went through.
Some people can't swim for various reasons, some have fear of water, and some are no
longer on this earth. I swim for these people, I go the distance for these Angels…
Some of these people will never have the feeling of swimming in that freshness of the lake,
early morning with your son's and father all coming together for this activity.
Some people will never know the feeling of having power in a swimming stroke,
and to have a ginormous fuel take to go the distance and feel strong,
to feel and be apart of the lake...
early morning with your son's and father all coming together for this activity.
Some people will never know the feeling of having power in a swimming stroke,
and to have a ginormous fuel take to go the distance and feel strong,
to feel and be apart of the lake...
The worst pain I will feel externally from this morning's swim; is chafing on my
under arm (forgot Bodyglide) and if I decide to apply deodorant.
My bigger pain, internally is that some people will never feel their physical potential and
that I can not stop the suffering of these ChildAngels and their family's.
This is why I swim, to show gratitude that I am given these abilities and use what I am given,
and to swim for those who can't...
under arm (forgot Bodyglide) and if I decide to apply deodorant.
My bigger pain, internally is that some people will never feel their physical potential and
that I can not stop the suffering of these ChildAngels and their family's.
This is why I swim, to show gratitude that I am given these abilities and use what I am given,
and to swim for those who can't...
What BJ said his son wanted was "to make sure his mother and sister were taken care of
and that people take care of each other, forgive each other, find a compassionate heart..."
and that people take care of each other, forgive each other, find a compassionate heart..."
To maintain that motivation as guidance, this is just the beginning of this series of
distance challenges for NTP. Next up is a 4 mile swim in Lake McQueeney,
the next of the lakes along the Guadalupe River in this area.
Mid November I will schedule Dunlap, the Lake I have lived on and know very well.
This will be a 7 miles swim... Then in late November or early December I will schedule the
BEAST, Canyon Lake 10 mile Crossing!
This is a living growing challenge now. I have listed a fundraising on Facebook for-
distance challenges for NTP. Next up is a 4 mile swim in Lake McQueeney,
the next of the lakes along the Guadalupe River in this area.
Mid November I will schedule Dunlap, the Lake I have lived on and know very well.
This will be a 7 miles swim... Then in late November or early December I will schedule the
BEAST, Canyon Lake 10 mile Crossing!
This is a living growing challenge now. I have listed a fundraising on Facebook for-
Other awareness campaigns I am TRIng to start are: on Crowrise
1. Guadalupe and Blanco River Trust
2. It's Time Texas
3. The Meadow's Center for Water and the Environment
4. More to come...
Please comment below if you have feedback or questions about my journey and missions.
Love-Peace-Serenity <3
Love-Peace-Serenity <3