Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Omega Finale!

September 26th, 2019

Going Berry Deep!

September 25th, 2019

Kale Yeah!

September 20th, 2019

A Reminder About Nutrition

September 19th, 2019

Broccoli VS Steak/ God Father Plus/ Sunday Stew

September 18th, 2019

In this video we compare 100 calories of Brocolli VS 10 Calories of Steak and 100 Calories of Oil. What had more protein? Comment below with the answer!

We had some fun with this one. The time to come up with the idea, to create the content and setting, cook the food, and get up the courage to do this..? It is one of the ways to Live to the PLUS! How do you step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to do things you would not normally do? I tell you, it wakes you up and making you wanting more!

Sunday's is a great day to set the tone for the up coming week? What do you do to prepare. If you cook a healthy stew or base meal for the rest of the week, you take that stress. You also set yourself up for good nutrition for high performance mind and energy for the week.
Looking at the calendar and planning out priorities for the week is also a good way to reduce stress and increase focus for the week.

Do you start out your weeks ahead or behind? Want to Live to the Plus?

I can help you with a plan and system to keep up with live and then some. Health, nutrition, energy, motivation, focus... Let's start working on it!

Text 210.843.4130 or email nicktotheplus@gmail.com to get started!

You Can't Beat Beets!

September 11th, 2019

It was fun doing a Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog parody on Beets! Street knowledge on beets and health. Mad respect for both Artist and Contributors.

As mentioned in the video, don't lose you $nit when eating beets comes out the other end. You didn't get shot and you aren't bleeding. I for sure thought this when I first ate a raw beet. I did not put two and two together at first, then I said "Ooooooh" lol

Beats and berries are probably some of the best things you can consume for post workout and or recovery from pretty much anything taxing on the body and system. Really high in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory. I have said it before and I'll say it again, inflammation is one of the main contributors to chronic disease, so the more anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory foods you can eat the better.

Nutritional Facts-
  • Calories: 35.
  • Protein: 1 gram (g) (2 percent daily value, or DV)
  • Fat: 0 g.
  • Carbohydrates: 8 g.
  • Fiber: 1 g (4 percent DV)
  • Sugars: 6 g.
  • Iron: 0.4 milligrams (mg) (2.22 percent DV)
  • Sodium: 250 mg (5)

More info on HealthLine

If you want to know more about nutrition and health contact nicktotheplus@gmail.com
Until the next episode!

#livetotheplus #playinthehills #youcantbeatbeets

Pineapple Day! Dance with me!

September 9th, 2019

Day 9 of the Nick the Plus Fruit and Vegetable Challenge is Pineapple Day! Dance with me! (That is if they don't take the audio down...)

Do you like pineapple? How often do you eat pineapple? Only in pina colada? lol

This was a fun one to make, I got so caught up in dancing I forgot to mention and remind yall that the Padgetts are coming this week from Georgia!

This wonderful couple has helped and added to so many lives. I am proud to call them mentors and my leaders in our great company. Please let me know if you would like to take a nice drive through the Texas Hill Country this Thursday to Kerrville to learn about Owning our Own Life! nicktotheplus@gmail.com or text at 210.843.4130

Back to the Pineapple-

1. Christopher Columbus brought pineapples back to Europe from South America.

2. Pineapples are good fresh, solid, dried and in juice form.

3. In South America pineapple has been used to treat digestive problems and inflammation.

4. 82 Calories - .2 grams of fat - 0g of cholesterol - 2 milligrams of sodium - 21.65 g of total carbohydrates (16 grams of sugar and 2.3 grams of fiber) - .89 g of protein

5. Daily requirements - 131 % of vitamin C WOW THAT IS AWESOME! - 2% of vitamin A - 2% of calcium - 3% of iron

6. Thiamin - riboflavin - vitamin B-6 - folate - pantothenic acid - magnesium AND manganese BOTH - potassium

#livetotheplus #playinthehills

Prunes OOPS, I got Plums, so Plums. Day 8 of the F&V Challenge

September 8th, 2019

Thank you to my Son Mathis and BoltyDog for helping my with this video. I love that they are there and learning about nutrition!

Today WAS the prune, but I messed up and got plums from the store, my bad! Here is some nutritional info about plums-

  • Calories: 30
  • Carbs: 8 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Sugars: 7 grams
  • Vitamin A: 5% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 3% of the RDI
  • Copper: 2% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 2% of the RDI

They are heart health with a lot of anti-oxidants. We all know that prunes and plums can help with movement in the gut... They can also help lower blood sugar.

I don't have any stories with plums or prunes, Mathis and Bolt were short on stories as well. But Mathis did get to the pit of the prune!

Tomorrow, well today we start meal prep for the week of September Shred10!
Again this is what Shred10 intails-

You can still join in on our FB event page- Nick to the Plus September Shred10
If you did not get your produce this round, join the event and check out how we are doing with the program then join us in October. Let me know how I can better help you with your health and lifestyle choices. Email at nicktotheplus@gmail.com or text 210.843.4130

#livetotheplus #playinthehills

Cherries- Shirley Temple, Dates- Date Night with Queen T, and Lemon PEEL with my Mathis!

September 8th, 2019

Shirley temple with a CHERRY on Top! Day 5 CHERRY CHERRY!- (The Video could not download correctly so here is the FBLive Link- https://www.facebook.com/nick.seidel.7/videos/10218460893207230/

What Nick to the Plus, or Nickle the Pickle as a kid remembers most about cherries? I remember when my parents would take us out on special occasions to Christie's Sea Food Restaurant on Broadway St in San Antonio. This restaurant had big fish tanks and I would love looking at the fish, and my mom had to keep sitting me down and not to put my hands on the glass....
Anyway, I don't remember the food all that much but what I do remember is always ordering the Shirley Temple drink with Sprite and CHERRY Juice!
Although these, I now know, are dyed, who knows how old and probably have every little nutrition.

For this challenge I also bought frozen cherries, because I guess they are out of season in September. Cherries ARE on the Dirty Dozen List so buy organic when you can. Here is the rest of the nutritional information for cherries-

  • Calories: 97.
  • Protein: 2 grams. YES! Plants have protein! Where do you think the cows get it from?
  • Carbs: 25 grams.
  • Fiber: 3 grams.
  • Vitamin C: 18% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Potassium: 10% of the DV.
  • Copper: 5% of the DV.
  • Manganese: 5% of the DV.
Other Cherry Facts-
1. George Washing probably did not actually cut down the cherry tree.
2. The average harvest of a cherry tree has about 7000 cherries and this takes about 7 seconds to harvest with modern methods.
3. There are sweet and tart cherries.

Finally, in this video I speak more about the conversation or eat for pleasure or function. I talk about how in a triathlon article the author was speaking and complaining about too many drills in a Masters program. My response is that if you are in something for one and done, it might not make sense to focus on the details, but as in martial arts, if you want to learn the skill and respect the art of swimming, take the time. I enjoy every moment that I get to exercise or move or swim. I enjoy the feeling of moving through the water and feeling efficiency and slicing through the water. Drills are a big part of developing that skill.
To tie this in the food aspect, we have over 30,000 meals over a lifetime. Most of us focus on those individual meal and put a lot of emphasis on the momentary pleasure of putting something delicious in our mouth and getting that shot of dopamine in our brain. I just want to bring more of an awareness to the big picture of enjoying overall life and how each meal contributes to our overall health.

If you want to discuss or learn more about overall nutrition and or health. Comment on here or email me at nicktotheplus@gmail.com
Date Night!

Date night! I tell my funny story about my dad and the time he got us some DATES!

Date have polyphenols, these micronutrients that we get through certain plant-based foods. They're packed with antioxidants and potential health benefits. It's thought that polyphenols can improve or help treat digestion issues, weight management difficulties, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular diseases.

Date would be a great snack to take on workouts or just sitting around the house to snack on.

In this video I also remind yall that I have host the Facebook Group- Power of the Plant, Texas Movement. Please help me spread the message of the urban and regenerative farming movement that is the future of food! If you know of any teachers and or professionals in institutions, send them my way to nicktotheplus@gmail.com

If you have any interest in urban farming AKA growing your own food, join the movement, contact me!

Lemon PEEL!?

Do you ever eat the PEEL of an orange, lemon, lime or others? Did you know that there is some of the best nutrition from the plant in the PEEL? Given that information, would you actually eat the peel every day? Well, I get the nutrition of the lemon peel everyday without having to eat it. How? By taking my Juice Plus! That is right Juice Plus has lemon peal in it and all the benefits from the phytonutrients that come with it!

1. Lemon peel contains calcium and potassium
2. Lemon peel is good for the immune system and digestive system.
3.  Lemon peels are good for your heart and can contribute to lower risk of cancer.
4. If you just eat the meat of the lemon it has 31% of daily requirement for vitamin C, while the whole lemon, peel and all has 139% of daily value.
5. Lemon peel has 3% of daily requirement of folate
6. Lemon has 22 calories
7. Fiver from pectin

Stay tuned to Facebook Live, Nick to the Plus FBNicktotheplus.com, and all other channels for more fruits and vegetables fun and facts.

Get out there, eat more fruits and vegetables, get active, be safe and- #livetotheplus #playinthehills

Mango Mango Mango! Day 4 of the F&V Challenge

September 4th, 2019

Listen to the Mango song here! It is kind of addicting.

Anyway, do you like Mango's? Do you have a favorite dish with mangos or do you eat them raw?

Mangos are kind of like peaches to me, messy and not so easy to eat. A cross between a banana and a peach, but overall I like them.

So fun facts about Mango's-

1. One of the most popular fruits in the world.

2. Was first grown in India 5000 years ago.

3. A basket of Mangoes is a gesture of friendship and a symbol of love.

4. Mangos ARE NOT on the dirty dozen list

5. Magos have 99 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, almost sodium free, and 3 grams of fiber. Great for vitamins  potassium and folate.

It is not too late to join in on our Shred10 if you want to reset your health. Email me for more information nicktotheplus@gmail.com

#livetothePLUS #playintheHILLS

Native Cranberries! Day 3 of F&V Challenge

September 3rd, 2019

Do you eat cranberries on the regular? These little gems are full of antioxidants and also help with anti-inflammatory. The root of most disease is inflammation, so the more anti-inflammatory foods you can eat the better. Do you have inflammation, pain, swelling?

Fun facts about cranberries-

1. One of the few native fruits in North America

2. Five states most cranberries are grown- Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington.

3. October- December are the peak for cranberries.

4. 90% water, a great source for dehydration when working out! If you fix yourself a baggie of berries, grapes, mellons, oranges will all hydrate and replace electrolytes better than any sports drink.

5. Cranberries help prevent urinary tract infection, reduce cardiovascular disease, and slow tumor growth... The indians would use cranberries as medicine because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements.

6. One cup of cranberries are about 50 calories.

7. Cranberries are not on the dirty dozen list, but if you can buy them organic. Also, buying them or any produce frozen has better nutritional value. Most "fresh" produce in stores are picked early and do not have full nutritional value. Frozen produce is picked to full ripeness and after being picked, almost immediately frozen locks in the nutrition for better health!

8. Try adding cranberries to your salad or morning oatmeal! 

If you want to know more about nutrition, phytonutrition, anti-inflammatories, anti-oxidants... Email me at nicktotheplus@gmail.com or text 210.843.4130.

Love all of you and Live to the Plus!

#LivetothePLUS #PlayintheHIlls

Ain't that a Peach! Day 2 of F&V Challenge.

September 2nd, 2019

What do you know about Peaches? Do you like to eat Peaches?  Millions of Peaches

Well, day 2 of the fruit and vegetable challenge. I was off today. This morning ran with Bolt to the Comal River to meet up with the Masters Das Schwimmers! Das Rec was closed so everyone went to swim in the river. Bolt wanted to go in with the schwimmers so he got a little swim. Then we ran back. The BOLT Schwimmer!

Here are some facts from today's Peach!

Georgia is the Peach State! I have family that lives in Georgia! The Padgett's will be coming from Georgia on September 12th in Kerrville (Flyer) . Email me if you want more information- nicktotheplus@gmail.com

Peaches have vitamins A& C

Freestone Peaches are easier to eat rather than the other type of Peach, Clingstone.

August is National Peach month. June through August is the peak for Peach production.

A large Peach has 70 calories and 3 grams of fiber.

Peaches are on the dirty dozen list! Again, what this list is the top 12 fruits and vegetables with the highest use of pesticides and GMO. So it is most important to buy organic or better yet regenerative agriculture...

The 1000s of phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables are natures chemicals/farmacuticles. The more of manufactured chemicals in our boys we are going of balance healing. Health is the level at which we can heal faster than we can be in injury or disease. So let me know if you want to know more about better nutrition.

So far I have spent $3.98 on the Apples and $.48 on the Peach. What will be the ending total of 30 days of eating fruits and vegetables? 

#livetothePLUS #playinthehills

A for Apple! Day 1 of the 30 day Fruit and Vegetable Challenge

September 1, 2019

 A for Apple, we start with the Apple! This is day one of the 30 day fruit and vegetable challenge, to eat a different fruit and vegetable every day for 30 days...

What do you know about the apple? Listen in to this video I did with my son Mathis. Do you include your kids in nutrition education. Would you like help getting them to eat better and more fruits and vegetables?

Dates coming up!

2. September 12th- Own your Health, Own your Life

Stay tuned to Nick to the Plus!

Email or text 210.843.4130 or nicktotheplus@gmail.com

Got a Coach?

September 1, 2019

Do you have a coach? Do you want to get better at something? What do you want to get better at performing? What have you tried to get better at this activity?

Nick to the Plus is a coach. A nutrition coach, a triathlon coach, a performance coach (performance as in- activity, work, rest, life...) and a positive thinking coach.
BUT, Nick to the PLUS also HAS a COACH! Yes, that is right. Nick to the Plus is not perfect or 100% all the time, no one is. But there are things Nick to the Plus wants to get better at, so he works with a coach on those things. 

Let me know what you want to get better at and if Nick to the Plus can't help or coach you, he will help you find the best recourse and or coach!

Email or text nicktotheplus@gmail.com or 210.843.4130

#livetotheplus #playinthehills #trilifetotheplus

Ready to Shred10 and 30 day F&V Challenge?

August 27th, 2019

Would you agree, blessings bring more or different challenges? Well, a little over a year ago, I got my job back at H-E-B, I am very grateful for this, but it also brings new challenges. Adjusting back into the role, trying to do a good job and also still trying to build my business. Time and activity have been a challenge. My day job is somewhat sedentary, this with less time to "train" and also in the last year I personally have come up with some health challenges regarding family history and stress... Let me know your challenges and we can share, support and keep each other accountable. nicktotheplus@gmail.com or text 210.843.4130

SO, it's time reset! Do you ever need a reset? Do you have good intentions, go a good stretch with good habits, then life happens and get a bit off track? Guess what, this happens to us all, and it is always a good time to refocus. So join me!

First, starting September 1, I will be trying a new fruit or vegetable each day for 30+ days. We will be going live every day at 8pm to share our experience with some useful and fun facts and f&V. So tune into to Nick to the PLUS

Starting September 8th as a prep day and on the 9th-18 we will Shred10! To back up a bit, the Shred10 is what eventually got me to a more plant-based diet, so here are the guidelines-

Here is a short video explaining the Shred10-

After we Shred it, we can live it!
How do these results sound?
Then we Share It!
Email nicktotheplus@gmail.com or text 210.843.4130 #LivetothePLUS

Nutritional Facts for Health!

August 5th, 2019

Do you Fall for Marketing Myths!

Written August 8th, 2019

How do you choose what you purchase and use? Do you trust what you see or read? Do you google or get something based on word of mouth?

Be warned and be smart about your choices. Ask yourself, "Why am I using this product or service"? Is it because I need it and it is essential for me to function? Was I attracted by bright colors or good looking people? Do I want it for pleasure, comfort, or because my neighbor has it? Was I told it would do something for me and is it actually doing what it says? Has it been proven that what I am buying this for, it will continue to perform the way I was told it would? Is it helping me? Is it helping my community? Is it benefiting or harming our environment?
Please tell me what your outcome of asking these questions of a certain product.

A prime example of this is MILK. The meat and dairy industry has been around for a long time and they are EXPERTS in marketing and have deep pockets because of it. We all grew up thinking "Milk does a body good". The fact is that milk was designed by nature to nurture a baby cow to be a large animal. Human milk was designed by nature to nurture a human baby to grow and to be healthy. Then after 3 months to 2 years most of us stop drinking mothers milk if we ever started. Why in the heck would we continue to drink milk from another animal? MARKETING! The London Economic Article

More closer to home, there have been a few very disturbing issues to me. One is this #CG30FOR30 30 burbees in 30 days challenge set by Camp Gladiator. Burpees are arguably one of the most beneficial exercise or movement considering strength and stamina, IF DONE CORRECTLY. With the intent to MARKET Camp Gladiator, "Members" of this group are getting on social media posting video of them doing the 30 burpees for 30 days. There are a couple of different things wrong with this; first the participants are timing themselves with the motivation to go fast, correct? Most of the people doing these videos are not doing the burpees correctly and actually in danger of hurting their backs and shoulders. Also, none I have seen include a full squat OR doing and explosive jump. These two movements are WHY burpees are one of the best exercises because you are working most aspects of core strength, working stamina and explosive strength. Most of the people doing these do not have a developed core strength which in turn, weak core strength is the root of most injuries. SO, my recommendation is do fewer and slower burpees and other core strengthening exercises that involve balance, CORRECTLY- Burpee video   (I would add a full correct wide base squat with and explosive jump, all slowly feeling and enjoying the whole movement). More on whole movement and base fitness on the next blog, but I have been running in running sandals, and they engage the CORE a lot more healthier and thorough than shoe running... if you are interested in learning more about sandal running contact me, here is the site or order if you like- XERO Shoe Live Life Feet First!

The point of all this, is there a lot of exercise programs out there. We have come a long way from half a century ago it was almost considered unhealthy to exercise. They were worried to much exertion would blow up the heart... Most of the programs out there are more focused on MARKETING to get people to sign up VS focusing on SCIENCE, SIMPLICITY and LONGEVITY. I have a litmus test of fitness programs or activities- are 7 year old and 70 years olds doing it? OR do you see yourself doing this for the rest of your life consistently? Exercise and activity should be simple, that you can do on your own and for a lifetime. Basic calisthenics, body weight and balance exercises will keep you fit and strong enough for a lifetime. If you are looking for the community aspect some of these program tout, simply go out into YOUR community, engage with people, invite your neighbor to the park, walk and exercise together. If more people did that, maybe we wouldn't be having so many of these horrible acts of violence. This is because WE WOULD KNOW and CARE for each other in our communities... NPR Article- Want To Feel Happier Today? Try Talking To A Stranger "Hey, have noticed Joe has been acting weird and not joining our community? We should go check in on him..." Social media is not the same as checking in on someone personally...

With this in mind, the best and purest MARKETING is word of mouth. Not putting a video of you doing something ridiculous but of you engaging with people you trust and trying things out for yourself. Not because there is a new craze, trend or pressure to compete, but because you are truly interested in doing what is right for you, your body and your community.

If you need help exploring better longer lasting activity and exercise, Nick to the Plus is here for you.

Yes, I market here and on social media. The programs I work and promote are tried and true, the best in the industry. In my 30 years of experience in this industry I have seen, groups, programs, shops, trends, fads, you name it! I have watched, analysed, questioned, tried, experimented, researched, so I can say with strong confidence programs like #CG aren't going to last very long. I wish, for peoples safety, people would realize this sooner than later...

Why do I promote what I do?

Juice Plus as a company has been around for almost 50 years and our current products for over 25 years. We serve 24 countries and have 40 independent, double blind, placebo tested, gold standard clinical trials completed. There is no other Nutritional product like it on the market or the planet, pharmaceutical or on the "Supplemental" market. I have 200% confidence in that statement because I have been taking and involved with the company since 1994. A couple of questions I would ask about the product you take if you are not taking Juice Plus-
1. Is it simple, do you understand the ingredients? Juice Plus- Full ripened fruits and vegetables, juices, dried and NSF Certified process
2. Longevity, how long has it been around? The Juice Plus Company has been around for 50 years. First marketing Smoke Detectors (how did that do), then the first water filtration systems (do we have filtered water today) and third, nutritional science (where do you think this is going). NSA- the National Safety Associates was the original company name of Juice Plus. Do you think they have our backs with the bases of safety? This is Nick to the Plus's field of expertise, do you see the constants here..?
3. Science- How much research is behind the product you take. Does it just say it has research on it's website? Does it only study one ingredient of the whole product or is the whole product researched?
One big questions that I have not heard for a while is, does Juice Plus pay for the research and does that have an effect on the outcome? Yes, Juice Plus pays for the research, who else would, the government? Nope, it is fascinating to hear the story as to how Juice Plus entered the clinical trial realm. These clinical trials have taken place at Universities and Medical Facilities such as - Georgetown University, Medical University of Vienna, University of Cambridge, University of Texas Health Science Center (where my mom worked), and Yale University. Do you think these organizations could be influenced to publish faulty information?  Let me know if you would like to learn more and I can share this with you.
In the mean time you can browse my website to look at the research- Juice Plus Research
OR you can reference- Clinical Trials DOT Gov

TRIDOT- Simply put, TriDot is the Google Maps of Triathlon Training. The software coaches the multitude of data that is produced in triathlon training. The Coach, yours truly, coaches the athlete, your motivation, nutrition, strategy, skills and injury prevention. You can go and read my explanation of how I feel about this on my website- NICKTOTHEPLUS- About
Follow the arrow down the rabbit hole!

H-E-B- Here Everything is Better is proving the motto, if you look at the stats, demographically, we are currently growing faster than all other grocery companies around the country, even though we are just in Texas...
Why I LOVE my H-E-B- I grew up with H-E-B. I still remember MY STORE when I was 5-10 years old. I remember the aisles, the smells, the Partners. I was devastated when that other company moved into MY HEB's spot for various business reasons...
I remember in High School, going over to get my beloved chocolate milk and donuts (No, I was unaware of nutrition back then and thought, like everyone, I am an athlete, I can eat what ever I want... clueless...)
Fast forward to today, my job is safety, this has been a progression over almost 10 years of what safety actually means. I am still learning and fascinated, but also mortified on the responsibility of my job. I have to make sure over 1000 Partners, who lift 2000-4000 times a day, work around 200 MHE (Material Handling Equipment- "forklifts+"), four warehousing processes, 1 million sq ft of warehouse and all kinds of things that CAN go wrong. When I think about the complexity my job at the warehouse, working with a Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainers, Leadership and Industrial Safety Professionals, training someone to be healthy and prepared for triathlon or general fitness is, just, natural...

A lot of thought and conversation here. Please engage, give me feedback, ask questions. Love yall, be healthy, Live to the PLUS! Text or email questions and conversation 210.843.4130 or nicktotheplus@gmail.com

Summer Fun and Event Updates!

The Original River Road Run & Fun

Written July 8th, 2019

Have you done the Original River Road Run before starting from Camp Huaco Springs?
Are you looking for something new and exciting in addition to one of the most scenic runs in Texas? Well, get ready for some fun!

Check out our introductory VIDEO

What is it?

This is THE Original River Road Run 12 or 4 Mile and Fun event! Not to be duplicated or mistaken, created with the heart and soul of the Texas Hill Country in mind, on one of the most beautiful roads in Texas.
Come run on the River Road of New Braunfels, and then make a weekend of it! We are bringing back the Original Run on River Road to Camp Huaco Springs. We encourage you to bring your family, camp and partake in additional activities provided be Hill Country Playground Co.

Saturday morning at 8 am-
12 or 4 miles out back runs along the Guadalupe River
  • 12 and 4 mile Chip Timed (With Strava segment virtual options)
  • Certified Courses
  • Aid stations every 2 miles with water and electrolyte (Sponsor to be announced)
  • Shirts and Finisher medals guaranteed to everyone signed up before September 16th
  • AWARDS for 12 and 4 miler-
    • TOP Three Male and Female Overall and Masters
    • Top three in Age Groups - Male and Female - <19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70>
  • 4 Mile Family Fun Run/ Walk is to encourage community health and activity. Come walk or run with your family, business or community group on one of the most beautiful roads in Texas. All finishers and groups of 4 mile Family Fun Run/ Walk will receive a finisher​ picture. Top three fundraising Teams- NTPEC Crowdrise will be recognized with an extra care package 
  • Finisher Festival like no other after the run.

Friday and Saturday
  • Camping, family camping encouraged!
  • Camping 101 presentations
  • Best Camping Spot Challenge! (More info to come on the website)
  • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Saturday Mid-Morning
  • Extreme River Rat Challenge
    • 1/4th of a mile challenge of swimming, walking/ running, climbing up a rapid area of the river. (This hasn't been in any Obstacle Course Race...)
    • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Saturday Afternoon
  • Adventure Challenge instruction and activity, to include- kayak, climbing, and how to make an adventure in the Texas Hill Country
  • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Saturday Afternoon
  • Family Geocaching and Scavenger Challenge. See the sites of the River Road and surrounding areas while having a great time with your family.
  • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Saturday Evening
  • River Rat Got Talent/ Karaoke Challenge
  • Best Fireside Stories
  • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Sunday Morning
  • Sunday morning Yoga and Meditation
  • Followed by breakfast
  • Shirt and badge of accomplishment

Conclusion/ Break Camp and until next time!

What are you waiting for? Come Play in the hills! Sign up today!

The Road to the Hill Country Playground Co.

Written June 4th, 2019

We do this for you, to help set a goal, achieve that goal and feel the accomplishment...

The road of creativity and contribution is not an easy one. Throughout the past year I have knocked this idea around in my head and on paper, questioning if it was even worth reviving an event business. But the bottom line is, this is what living is; creating and giving to the community.

Over the course of my career of creating events in one way or another, I have seen that the appeal of directing an event for the possible accolades can be attracting to others. I suppose it is a compliment that people want to claim or utilize the ideas of others, however the truth is, without the passion behind the idea, the goal starts to lose it's meaning. The passion of creating, doing what it takes to bring that creation to fruition and then sharing that accomplishment with others is what the Hill Country Playground Co. is about.

The goal is to bring you, the individual participant and the community, unique and enjoyable events that you will never forget. Come to play, be active, try something new, step out of your comfort zone, test your limits, or just spend some special time with your family.

The Hill County Playground Co. wants to know what you want in activity. What will it take for you to come outside and play? What would challenge you to come out and engage with your community?

We look forward to providing you fun and memorable events that you can bring your friends and family to that will help create new and exciting memories with every experience. Come out and Play in the Hill Country!

Monday, December 2, 2019

The State of the PLUS

Written May 1st, 2019

A little more than two weeks past Texas State Tri, another one in the books. This year was a great success and thank you to everyone who made it possible to all come together in the end.

This year brings me full circle. Starting my event production career while in college at Texas State, my boys are here today because of this event... I have been through some tough times the past 4-5 years and to come back home to Texas State and help the Club go to Nationals, it really felt good. I am so happy that everyone had a good experience doing the race.

We will set up a date and registration soon to have a better follow up with 2020 Texas State Tri!

Results are here if you missed them before- IAAPweb.com
Pictures are here- Armando Villalpando

If you did the Texas State Tri and want to continue with great training, check out my coaching platform- TRIDOT.COM

Thank you again to everyone who helped and participated!

What is next?

What's next is my Guadalupe Lakes Swim/ Run Ultra Challenge! No, this is not a public event, but I am looking for help :-)
On May 18-19 coming soon to a lake near you, Nick to the Plus will not only be swimming across 4 lakes (equaling about 26 miles) but running about 30 miles between the lakes, ALL WITHIN TWO DAYS! Well, that is the plan anyways.

How can you help? Well I am looking for a few more shifts of kayak spotter help if you like to paddle. MORE IMPORTANTLY please help me promote the causes I am doing this for. Please visit my WEBPAGE and CROWDRISE, share and get excited about this CHALLENGE!

Thank you so much!

We are starting a Shred10 for the Spring! Get FIT, get HEALTHY #GogetIT

Info Video on Shred10

To contact me with any questions or comments please email at nicktotheplus@gmail.com

Texas State Sprint Tri

Written March 6th, 2019


Price increase hits on March 15th, so sign up now! NTPTXS is 10% discount up until increase. Texas State Sprint Triathlon 

APRIL 14th 7:30 AM
@ The Meadows Center for the Environment

The Texas State Sprint Triathlon is the Original and Classic Triathlon at the Meadows Center, formerly Aquarena Springs. This triathlon event has been hosted by the Texas State Triathlon Club and Alumni since 1999. This event is the primary fundraiser so the Club can travel to Collegiate Nationals and represent our State and University.
This event is open to and welcomes all levels of participation with a-

- 400 meter swim
-12 mile bike
-3 mile run

USAT Sanctioned

We are working with Austin Aquatics Sports Academy to encourage youth participation. AASA is hosting two preparation clinics for this event-
1. March 16th - bike course tour - bike maintenance - flat repair - general bike safety
2. March 30th - open water swim clinic - wetsuit instruction - OWS instruction - swim safety
Contact us for more info. nicktotheplus@gmail.com

We are also Partnering with the San Marcos River Foundation to raise awareness for water quality and sustainability.

I have been directing this event on and off in different capacities since 1999. This event is my sons existence event! My wish is to bring you one of your best triathlon experiences. Come TRI it!
Coming Soon!
Tell me your first impression. 


Written January 31st, 2019
  1. be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).
    "this was an issue transcending party politics"
    synonyms:go beyond, rise above, cut across
    "there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines"
    • surpass (a person or achievement).
      synonyms:surpass, excel, exceed, beat, trump, top, cap, outdo, outstrip, leave behind, outrival, outvie, outrank, outshine, eclipse, overstep, overshadow, throw into the shade, upstage
      "his latest bout of bad behavior transcended even his own worst excesses"
What does this word mean to you? I really want to know so comment or email what it means to you to transcend and what has been your ultimate experience so far?

Before we continue, imagine that moment, that moment you feel on top of the world. Was it for an instant or sustained for and hour or a day? What was the extension of that feeling? Did you feel better or special than others, did you want to tell other people or share the experience with others the next time?

I have felt transcendence through; 
  • growing up in a loving and supporting family
  • the excitements of learning how to ride a bike, sailing, off-roading...
  • playing soccer and learning what TEAM meant, scoring a goal
  • learning and believing that I could run like the wind, feeling that freedom
  • learning achievement (winning my first race, finishing a full triathlon) 
    • Then loss of ability, injury, then recovery and adaption
  • the love of and continuous improvement of the "process"
  • learning healing on self and others
  • substance transcendence, addiction and recovery (not all transcendence is always positive)
    • transcendence of fear, emptiness, anger and turning it around to the PLUS
  • being a father, a family, having extended families
  • mentorship (on both sides)
  • leading teams and organizations
    • coming back to my old job with new perspective, developing systems, affecting a culture while also running "my dream career" on the side
      • This is currently my biggest challenge and also biggest potential for life transcendence
  • being and adult (or trying to be, small victories)
  • being a caregiver
What I have found out is the more you seek this transcendence, the more you get uncomfortable to overcome, the more you push your limits, the more you create, the more you learn about yourself and others the more you grow and live a full life.

This is what I am after in my Nick to the PLUS Endurance Challenges. Being part of the event/ race/ running/ triathlon/ production/ volunteer / spectator/ father/ coach for the amazing time I have, I have been ready to pull from deep and challenge myself in ways to transcend like never before.

This past year I have completed three endurance challenges I set out to do-
  •  The 4 * 4 * 48 or Run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours equaling 48 miles over 48 hours waking up every 4 hours even at midnight and 4 am for two days!
    • This took two attempts and was during the hot summer!
  • Swim 4 lakes on the Guadalupe River system-
    • October 7th- Lake Placid in Seguin, TX which was 3.1 miles long and took about 2 and half hours.
    • October 28th- Lake McQueeney which was 5.5 miles and took 5 hours
    • December 9th- Lake Dunlap which was 6.3 miles in about 4 hours and 20 min.
    • December 16th- Canyon Lake which was 7.9 miles in about 5 hours
  • Run the New Braunfels Main Plaza Circle 2019 times (slide show link below)
    • 24 days - 41 hours of running - 256 miles - 9:37 overall pace
  • More to come!
What does doing all this do for me? Why? Why not stick to traditional races or challenges? Did I Transcend during these experiences?

First, I do these challenges, because I can. They are there and some people don't even have the option to challenge themselves in such a way, so I do THIS for THEM.

Second, I have been creating and designing events for others for a long time. I have had ideas and aspirations to do events/ "projects" that I thought might be fun and challenging and I just decided to go out the do them, tri them... that's what I am doing.

Third, during my time as a race directer/ promoter, many of the event I have created in the past, in one form or fashion I have lost these events. Some of the events I have been promoting for over 15 years and put many hours of blood sweat and tears. So in order to fill that void, I have been pushing myself to the limits with these endurance events. No one can take these original experiences from me. I have asked myself, do I need to feel a since of ownership of something, and event, and experience. I don't think it is that, I feel the need to keep having experiences that help me to further transcend in search of my true and better self!

Please tell me, what are you doing this year to transcend to find your true and better self?

The Third Swim

Written December 3rd, 2018


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Third of Four Texas Lake Crossings While Nick to the Plus Continues his Endurance Challenges To Swim-Bike-Run for Those Who Can’t

  • New Braunfels fourth generation local to swim all the lakes in the area.

  • Extreme Endurance Challenges to benefit others.

New Braunfels, TX., Dec. 9, 2018- Nick to the PLUS, a community health, and fitness advocate continues his endurance challenges to raise awareness and funds for great causes. Nick Seidel, grandson of Edmund Seidel, former UT Swim Team Captain has chosen to swim-bike-run for others VS competing for finisher medals in Ironman.

On December 9th, Nick will swim the length of Lake Dunlap near New Braunfels, a 7-mile swim in crisp waters and weather. This will be the third of five endurance swims across the four lakes in the Guadalupe River System-
Done already- Lake Placid 5k swim and Lake McQueeney 5.5 mile swim (Up Stream).
To finish- Dunlap 7 miles and Canyon Lake 10 miles. In the Spring, Nick will cross all four lakes in succession as a finale equalling approximately = 24 miles (Virtual English Channel Crossing)

After over 25 years of high-level distance competition, Nick asked: “what’s next”? Endurance challenges have been the consistent theme in Seidel’s life. Recently, Nick has found the true meaning of giving back. These two motivations have lead Nick to do his own endurance challenges in his beloved Texas Hill Country playground while using the fundraising tool Crowdrise to help the many causes he cares about- St Jude Children’s Hospital, Children’s Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation MD Anderson Cancer Center, It’s Time Texas, NAACP, Green Bronx Machine, Ainsley’s Angels, Meadow’s Center for the Environment...

Over the next year or two or more, Nick will continue into the bike, run and tri-ultra distance challenges after these swims. Follow and share Nick’s journey while helping him help others who can’t enjoy the gift of going the distance and living to the PLUS.

What is Nick to the Plus? Nick has competed in running distance and in triathlon at the High School, State, Collegiate, National, and World Level. After car accidents and life crisis, instead of being angry and depressed, he decided to Live to the Plus and pay his experiences forward.

Website- nicktotheplus.com Email- nicktotheplus@gmail.com Phone- 210.843.4130
Crowdrise Page- https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/nick-to-the-plus-endurance-challenges

Working Towards Something Bigger than YOU

Written October 23rd, 2018

Every Tuesday I give a OSHA Safety Training to new hires at the Warehouse. I did this for three years before my "sabbatical" AKA- growing period. Now coming back, I look at the training with a different perspective. I start off the training with Incident Reporting, I define what and incident is, ending the sentence in "injury or damage to people or property that was PREDICTABLE or PREVENTABLE"
When I first heard this phrase, even being a Safety Tech at an OSHA VPP Site, it really hadn't sunk in. I said, you can't predict accidents... Then I think back to my car accidents in high school, life changing events, both were very predictable and preventable (note, do not let your teenagers get into cars with new drivers...)

So now, coming back to being a safety and health professional, I look at predictions (measuring)  and prevention (engagement) in a whole other light. I am almost like a glorified LifeGuard, the best lifeguards blow their whistle before the kid falls down and busts his head. I love the art and science of preventing injury and damage so my Partners go home the same way the came to work.

On a darker side, a few days ago a good friend of mine passed. I admit, I have not been the best friend and we have only seen eachother in passing a few times in the past months. He was young and his disease was more than likely preventable... Yet, I wasn't his lifeguard or maybe he didn't reach out of help... Either way, it make me sad I did not catch or predict this.

I did some soul searching recently and did a deeper dive onto WHY I do what I do? Why I am driven to be a lifeguard, to help others overcome challenges and to be their best safety healthy selves..? Then it kind of popped up, I guess I knew it was always there, but I remembered. (I have asked her to write her account of this, but in time...) When my mom was 17, her dad died in her arms, in the elevator, on the way up to his doctors office. Could this have been prevented? Could they not have stopped to get gas on the way? Could he have had less stress in his life, could he have eaten more vegetables, walked more, less of this or that??? I don't know, but I wonder. The majority of my mothers career was in Cardiovascular Medicine as a heart Nurse and Manager... She helped 1000s of patients, kids and families. I truly believe I am here to continue her and my grandmother's lifework of helping people. To prevent and predict, to find root cause. To engage and help them overcome their challenges. Through my family history, living a mostly healthy and active lifestyle, studying and learning and sharing brings me to this STRONG PERSPECTIVE with TOOLS and PASSION to help not only personal health but community health..! I am here for you, if you think I can help you or your loved ones, please just ask, reach out. I have had too many friends live unfulfilled lives or  leave too soon.I look into people's eyes everyday I want to help more.

So two weeks ago I did my first swim of a five swim progressive series. The first swim in Lake Placid was 5k that I did while my dad and sons kayaked besides me.

RIGHT NOW it has been raining for many days over the past week and the flow in the Guadalupe River/ Canyon Lake system is UP! I was planning the second swim in Lake McQueeney of 5 miles this Sunday. We will see how the water is. I like the flow and challenge of rougher water, but speaking prevention, swimming in high bacterial water would not be smart.

This brings me to a BIG PART of why I am doing this. Going to Europe to race two years in a row 2013-14 and having less than ideal conditions and outcomes. I spent over 2 years, 1000s of dollars in preparation for these events. I could get rained out this weekend! Is ALL LOST? Shit naw, I didn't spend a buck! And to be perfectly honest I have not been totally focused on training. So this experiment is working out perfectly! If I have to push the swim a week or two now worries. I will be FIT and I will continue this CHALLENGE the way it was intended to play out. Folks, I am really just starting, MUCH MUCH MORE to COME!

TO THE SECOND PART- of these swims is that I AM WORKING TOWARDS SOMETHING BIGGER THAN ME! I really have no clue what I am doing. I am learning as I go. It was pretty sweet with my good friend and cancer survivor suggested I look at Crowdrise.com
I am aware it is kind of crazy to pick more than one charity when this is my first Philanthropic go around, but as I have said before, I AM TO THE PLUS! These causes are near and dear to me, are picked for very specific reasons with either helping kids, helping those who are suffering or working towards prevention/ sustainability. So PLEASE CLICK ON MY CROWDRISE PAGE - DONATE - join me, challenge yourself - CREATE YOUR OWN TEAM or CAUSE to WORK TOWARDS SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOU!